Wednesday, March 5, 2014

News, Rumors, and Opinions Tuesday Afternoon

I4U: DinarsRin: Are you saying that "China is now not Buying" ? Freeway Bill: China is not buying and Plan B is now in place.... Take it to the BANK.... [BigDog-OH] My 2 cents about the G64's situation... No matter what the rate, whether it is private placement or street rate, the group has negotiated with the bank for the spread and any other fees that will be paid. [BigDog-OH] I am not a professional negotiator and I feel confident that they will do better than any of us can in that regard [Prissynell] BigDog-OH they have worked very hard for us [misskitty05] BigDog-OH I agree [BigDog-OH] Prissynell Yes they have [Prissynell] We need to pray for them to have strength .... Read More Link on Right WM: Gods only son was here and people doubted him, so what makes you believe me? I do not have time right now to address all your questions and provide relevance to all you are hearing. YES, there will be an RV and you will be happy either way it comes down. The dynamics have changed and we are busy working on it. All of the hysteric’s will not make things materialize any faster. We are but one community and that is the “internet dinar community”. Represent it well. The mods of all the rooms do a good job and do not have all the answers either, so give them a break. We are too busy addressing things on our end that you should decide what you want, us in a room chatting or working on what we stated we would try to do for everyone. Remember there are no guarantees in life; it is what you make it. Wiley *********** [snowwolfsdee] ok just read Wiley, so it seems something has shifted [Gdsgrl21] snowwolfsdee things seem to still be moving along [chucker7] snowwolfsdee As you of all people know.... 'shift' happens roflmao ************* [BigDog-OH] “The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter.” ― Paulo Coelho [BigDog-OH] “Patience is power. Patience is not an absence of action; rather it is "timing" it waits on the right time to act, for the right principles and in the right way.” ― Fulton J. Sheen [BigDog-OH] “And sure enough, even waiting will end...if you can just wait long enough.” ― William Faulkner [BigDog-OH] “Patience is not passive waiting. Patience is active acceptance of the process required to attain your goals and dreams.” ― Ray Davis ************ [cosmickid] Vietnam VND rises strongly in black market, Central Bank says [dudenocoins] US$250 million Loan to Support Iraq’s Fiscal Sustainability against External Shocks,,contentMDK:22482723~pagePK:64257043~piPK:437376~theSitePK:4607,00.html ************** [preacher53] 10 FUN FACTS: 1- You can’t wash your eyes with soap. 2- You can’t count your hairs. 3- You can’t breathe through your nose, with your tongue out. 4- You just tried No.3. 6- When you did No.3 you realized it’s possible only you look like a dog [preacher53] 7- You’re smiling right now because you’re fooled. 8- You skipped No. 5. 9- You just checked to see if there’s No. 5 10- Share this with your friends to have some fun too. [preacher53] Nobody goes where the crowds are anymore. It’s too crowded. Yogi Berra [preacher53] They’ve finally come up with the perfect office computer. If it makes a mistake, it blames another computer. Milton Berle ************************* TNT: FlPatriot59: March 4, 2014: Federal agencies in the Washington, DC, area are OPEN under 2 hours DELAYED ARRIVAL and employees have the OPTION FOR UNSCHEDULED LEAVE OR UNSCHEDULED TELEWORK. Employees should plan to arrive for work no more than 2 hours later than they would be expected to arrive. WILDDUCK : putin pulled his troops back to barracks this is a non issue, check the drop in the ruble and stock market and breathe . then spell out BRIC Brazil Russia india, China These countrys are bringing you the GCR. Gatorguy: The dates WRITTEN in ink for deadlines are March 7th (Budget) and March 14-17 (WTO MEETING) Just relax and know that these dates are in INK Takenbythewind: I heard March 15-16th yesterday could be the RV from a banking contact. That meeting would add confirmation if that is the case, WTO. GatorGuy: Today (March 4th) was the ABSOLUTE earliest I was even looking at it happening.. 20% chance. The real deadline dates (Written in INK) are Friday March 7th and the 14-17th ***************************** Dinar Chronicles: Deep Source Update from Last Night 3-3-14 03/04/2014 GET SOME REST GUYS..YOUR GONNA BE BUSY TOMORROW...NO BS...THINGS ARE POPPING. *************************** KTFA: Kaykay3: Frank does that mean we shouldnt hope for any rate change till after end of next week? Thanks so much Frank26: Yes Sir .......... I told Family on CC last night .......... This process should be completed by the end of next week. ********** Frank26 wrote on March 4th, 2014, 2:38 pm: KTFA FAMILY ............. THEY DID IT AGAIN!!! C U ON YOUR CC IN 6. STAFF ......... PLEASE BUMP TO EVERY PAGE!!! KTFA, Frank ********** Aggiedad77: Well upon further reflection of this post A. "They" could have passed a budget B. "They" could have paid the Kurd employees salaries C. "They" being the CBI could have pushed "The Easy RV Button" D. "They" being the CBI have spoken loudly again....we just haven't read about it yet E. "They" stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night F. None of the above My first inkling would be "D" we just need to watch it, tomorrow, the next day....but before Friday.....IMO. Randy ********** Mryandtodd: A key word in Frank's post is "again". That would eliminate C and probably E (but I can't confirm this). My guess would be F, since Frank tends to state the merely obvious and the others on your list are too obvious. Time will tell though.... **************************** GET: [rgone] $sign REUTERS: 18 min. ago: The U.S. on Tue sought to use the crisis in Ukraine as leverage in its effort to convince Congress to approve a long-sought measure to increase the IMF's financial power... smiley [rgone] fatladysings How do you like those apples? lol [nano36] rgone hmmmm, now isn't that interesting [rgone] $sign Orchestrated by none other than Jack Lew... smiley [sandinar] rgone But what does that say for the Rv? [rgone] sandinar It doesn't, but it's one piece of the puzzle. [smf] ukraine that is [rgone] Essentially this gives the IMF more clout, and increases the U.S. influence over the IMF at the same time. We're back to the same old dilemma: How do we pay for out increased share to the IMF? -- It's a real trick bag, but could an RV do it? Idk [smf] and on fox news John Kerry said US to give 1 billion dollars to help their economy [nano36] smf and where are we going to get 1 billion $ [smf] nano36 and if you think I would know the answer to that question, then I could probably say when the RV will occur

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