Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Verifying credible information: I know Tony must have a lead on the same info I am getting, as he always seems to bring in info from multiple sources… He must know this particular piece of the puzzle, as this is something that is affecting what we are looking for. My source has continually stood strong on this major point. "There are those with a lot to lose if this GCR and RV role out the way it is supposed to." "Those who stand to lose are also those who have a tight grasp of the control of the US Dollar and are also responsible for instigating various International conflicts and have done so for years to their benefit." We are hearing that in order to continue to block this transition into a BASEL type currency and reset values worldwide that they are positioned to enhance current International conflicts to the flash point which will in turn create enough distraction to silence activity on the currency reform. I am posting this info as I explicitly trust my source and he is indeed in a very nice position to intercept much information on this subject, but I would really love to hear additional confirmations from others on this site that may also have sources close to the top of the action so that I can personally see a wider picture of this jigsaw puzzle. I wonder why we aren't talking about this instead of the usual "It is almost here"… because I think we are all mature enough to address this issue of what a particular side is planning to do to keep the position they have groomed for themselves for so many years.

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